Community Involvement
“As a veteran-owned firm, we are honored to lend our support and give back to military families in need.” – David T. Maccagnone, CEO and founder

MBS employees and their families volunteer at a Back-to-School Brigade® volunteer event in Miami in 2018.
As a veteran-owned business, MBS hopes to continue to advance the lives of veterans and active military families through charitable support.
Since 2015, our Firm has joined forces with Operation Homefront, a national nonprofit organization that leads more than 2,500 volunteers with nationwide presence to provide emergency and other financial assistance to the families of service members and wounded warriors. MBS is a proud sponsor of the Back-to-School Brigade®, an annual, nationwide school supply collection campaign for military children, and supports other Operation Homefront efforts like the Star Spangled Babies baby shower program.
In 2019, MBS partnered with Operation Healing Forces, which serves the needs of active-duty and recent-veteran wounded, ill and injured Special Operations Forces and their spouses by starting or continuing the process of healing in preparation to return to combat or transition into civilian life. MBS founder and CEO David T. Maccagnone hosted a therapeutic retreat for military couples at his residence.
MBS has also sponsored The CMG Foundation‘s Annual Wine Tasting and Charity Auction since 2013. This event, organized in conjunction with the California Mortgage Bankers Association Western Secondary Conference, supports a variety of nonprofit organizations, including the veteran-focused Gary Sinise Foundation, Cancer Support Community and The MBA Opens Doors™ Foundation. Learn more about The CMG Foundation here.